Happy 17th Birthday Jeffery

This is the wrapped gift. Jeffery's teammates presented him with this club when he won the state championship. Mark and I had a case built for it.

Jeffery has never liked cake and ice cream for his birthday. We always have to come up with something different. One year it was cookies that spelled out Happy Birthday, Jeffery, we've had brownies, we've had strawberry gooey stuff and this year it was waffles. We celebrated first thing in the morning. Of course, the house was decorated, a tradition that Mark loves and a few birthday gifts. Its hard to see him grow so fast. I'm so happy to think of the many happy memories we have shared. And if I'm lucky he'll never leave the house, like Dave's kids!


Jen@eighteen25 said...

hope you have a fantastic day!!

so... are those mark's cool streamer skills? and what was the big present??

and be careful what you wish for there... about your kids never leaving. haha...

Dave said...

I know it seem sweet and all now but!!!! Anyway Happy Birthday Jeffery. We all just sang happy birthday on the phone and of course he was playing golf.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

WOW! Love the case. That looks really nice.

Awburn Sedillo said...

The waffle idea is such a neat idea. Happy Birthday Jeffery!! What a awesome present.