Erol Graduates From Air Force Academy

So proud!
Happy to have the family.

REALLY happy to have the WHOLE family.
Met Holly, Vincent and Melia for dinner.
Alev, Derya, Jeffery, Connie & Mark


Awburn Sedillo said...

That a great accomplishment. I love all the pictures. I thought it was funny that they were all taken at a restaurant. Glad you guys had a good time.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

2 handsome guys in that top picture. hope you guys had a good visit! and i see you went to the melting pot... did you guys like it?

Connie said...

Awburn- I thought exactly the same thing when I posted the pics. They were all taken at restaurants. We did a lot of eating!

Jen- We really liked the Melting Pot. It was definitely a "dining experience".