Happy New Year

Lily had a huge spread for New Years Day. When isn't a huge spread when Aunt Lil is involved? Yummy! Erica (Bobby's daughter) insisted that we take a group photo and I'm glad she did. This year for both Christmas and New Year's Day we got together with Aunts, Uncles and cousins we don't see as often as we would like. We had great food and played games for hours. James and Melinda and the boys had already left by the time we got around to taking the picture. It was really great to see Erica and her new baby, born on November 20 and Lil (very tall) Bobby and his family. Aunt Mary, Uncle Ben and Diane and her family too.....We decided we should at least have game night more often.


Dave said...

good job you should take a picture at every gathering you are never sorry when you take those. recognize most everyone except the kid next to nanny

Connie said...

The boy next to Nanny is Diane's son, Michael. He's Jeffery's age.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

fun!! good to see everyone... even if it's in a picture. glad you guys had a good time.