Having Land Is Nice, Until You Have To Clean It

The weather was perfect for working outside. I thought I would clean up the rose garden and trim the palm trees. Well, one thing lead to another and by the time I finished I had at least three trailer loads like the one you see above. I did this all with non-motorized equipment, good old fashioned hand tools. I thought that since I'm not working and I don't have any little ones at home, I'd make myself useful around the house and this would be really good exercise. Well, I was right, however, I have been too tired, in the evening, to get on the computer. OH MY GOSH! I will probably hire this out next year and go to the gym!


Jen@eighteen25 said...

Wowza Girl. You rock!

jamie carter said...

Look at you. Good job.

Dave said...

Im not going to work in the yard ever again if it makes you look that mad!!!!!

Connie said...

Funny you should say "mad" because you should have seen me a few minutes later after we got to the convenience center and it was supposed to close at 3:30 and when we showed up at 3, it was closed!