Dave...He Cares, Even If He Says He Doesn't!

Remember, he's at a big business meeting in California...

Text Message: 9:10 p.m.

Dave: Who won American Idol?
Connie: Don't know haven't watched yet.
Dave: Let me know
Connie: K

10:12 p.m.
Dave: Winner?
Connie: Still watching...

10:52 p.m.
Dave: WHO WON?
Connie: Few more minutes.....I'll fast forward to the end

10:57 p.m.
Connie: Jordan!

11:02 p.m.
Connie: Well? What do you think? What are you doing?

(He used me! He got what he wanted and didn't text me back!)


Jen@eighteen25 said...

yea that's my hubby.. I think he said one of the other guys found out first.. so yea he didn't need you... don't feel bad he uses me too! last night all through jacob's championship BBall game. hehe.

VivaLasFloyds said...

That's funny! If he had a blog, he would totally be blogging on tv shows...like his wife!

Dave said...

I went to bed!!!!!! before I got your results. The phone didnt work inside the hotel. What a crappy week. I had to miss Americian Idol. I had to miss the championship baseball game. Its not all about me but dang going to the countryside was not so great.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

alright I'm ready to hear all about it!

Dave said...

Hello can you say update???????