Match Play

Jeffery and I are driving to Albuquerque this afternoon. He qualified for a match play tournament which is different than school golf. He'll play 36 holes on Friday! If he wins on Friday he continues to play on Saturday.

He doesn't want me to follow him around during this tournament like I do for school golf because he'll be playing with "old guys, he says, you know, 25 and 30 year olds." He doesn't want to look like a little boy who's Momma has to take care of him.

Mark worked in Albuquerque this week so he'll already be there. We've decided that we'll take our clubs and play a little golf too, at a different course, of course. I haven't even touched my clubs in a long time. I hope the bag is still in style!

30 April is District Tournament and State Tournament is next week. I'll keep you posted.


Dave said...

How was the trip???

Jen@eighteen25 said...

Good luck Jeffery!!

Have a fun and safe trip... have fun playing golf... I've never tried it.. don't think I will anytime soon.