It Must Be This Blog....

Last night I had a dream. I couldn't tell you exactly what it was all about but someone was getting married. Jen, Dave, Jamie, Jodie, Becky, Von, Jen's cousins, couldn't tell you who, Carla and Chuckie and everyone's kids were there. Rolling green hills, kids playing, beautiful dresses, I guess you could say picture perfect. I think this all stems from Dave accusing me of going to the Dark Side because I have a Blog Header and because I've looked at so many posts that include family photos...How strange is that?


jamie carter said...

That is too funny. And you know Dave is so jealous that we all have blogs, he wants one soooo bad. (Don't you Davey?)

Jen@eighteen25 said...

oh my gosh connie.. that is hilarious. you've been having strange dreams a lot lately haven't you? It seems like when we were there you had a couple.

Connie said...

Don't you Davy? Come to the dark side!

Dave said...

I will remain a critic. More photos,Jefferys golf updates,cool cars. Thats what I want to hear about. Save the dreams and americian idol stuff for the girls.