The Good Wife; An Actual '50's Publication

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jamie carter said...

I guess I've got a LOT to work on. I enjoyed reading that. Pretty funny.

Dave said...

YEA!!! Take note!!! Take action!!!!
What the heck has this country gone to. I think all of us would agree the world was a much happier place in 1955

Connie said...

Don't think I didn't know YOUR comment was coming. What I'm waiting for is Jen's!

Jen@eighteen25 said...

oh my gosh.... we should hunt down the author and see if they are still alive, if they are we should shoot them. jk. it's got to be a man...all I could think of is I know my Grandma dee did not put up with this crap. oh my gosh... it was too funny. everytime I read another one I couldn't believe it even more.

Connie said...

I read that and it's been my mission to share it with every woman I know and DO THE OPPOSITE!