Drippin' Chicken!
Guess What!? Our old frig took a dump too! When I went to get something to defrost for dinner I noticed that there was slime juice dripping out of the freezer.
Mark had been in it earlier and said, "Ya know, when I went in for a drink....and stopped mid sentence." Well I had a trash can full of chicken, hamburger, pork chops, shrimp and veggies. I think it happens at least once to every family.
The old frig was at least 20 years old and it came from JC Penney. It held up pretty well, I thought. I was able to find an almost identical one at Lowe's. It was a simple stainless steel "looking" for $450. Not too bad considering we keep it in the laundry room and I just needed something that worked.
100 Posts
This is post number 100. So I guess I average about fifty posts a year.
The blog has been an awesome way of documenting simple life events and its been great for keeping in touch.
I find myself always carrying a camera. Something I never did before. If I did carry the camera, I would take a picture or two and now everyone knows that each event or photo is a potential blog entry.
Next 100 posts?????
Coming soon...November Greece and Thanksgiving at Mom's in Oklahoma, December another "over 40" birthday and Christmas, January is a new year, 2009, Jeffery graduates in May. Are you planning a trip to NM? Kristin continues as a full time college student. Jeffery college??
Empty nest this year...
Mark and I will continue to travel and we'll do more of it together.
Derya & Alev in Alaska
You see these signs everywhere...Some say "Give Moose a Brake"
Tubing close to midnight. Derya is the one on the right, airborne.
This is right about midnight.People fish during lunch. Downtown Anchorage
Views like this everywhere...just driving.
Alev and Derya playing hockey. It was fun to watch. I've never seen hockey before and everyone that spoke to us reminded us just how talented these two are.
More driving...
This is the view from the girls back patio. Right in the center is a glacier. Its difficult to see in this picture because of the clouds.A river just down the street from their house. We watched this beaver for a long time.
Mark and I played a little golf.
Alev-Athlete of the year. She has made a commitment to the University of Wisconsin. Derya is also considering Wisconsin. Both to play soccer and hockey. It is very likely that Alev will be in the 2012 Olympics!
And flag football. These two are on the go every minute. They don't sleep much especially this time of year when the sun shines almost 24/7. We had a really nice visit.
Quick Drive on a Warm Afternoon
He's never done this before, at least we THINK he's never done this before.
This is Mark covering the upstairs balcony which is where we think the leak originates. Look at it pour!