Results of Ear Coning

Oh Yeah, that's what you think it is! LOL!!
And of course, you know me....I picked around in it, pulled the wax from the sides of the cone, touched the dry powder stuff....

Coning the Ear

This is how we spent some of our family time on Saturday morning. We coned our ears! One end of the cone is in the ear and the other end is set on fire. Its cleans the ear, similar to irrigation. The best part is when the cone burns down to about three inches, you turn out the fire and cut the cone open and see what was drawn out. I took a picture of that too, in case anyone was interested. Its quite entertaining!

Cookie Factory

I'm on the Board of Directors for the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce and this morning I was invited to tour the new cookie factory! It was so interesting. This was the gift basket I received. The Vanilla Wafers and Sandwich Creams were right out of the oven. Each oven is 300 feet long! The place smelled like cookie dough candles, lol! You can only imagine the smell. M-m-m-m. The conveyor belts of cookies reminded me of Lucielle Ball stuffing chocolates in her mouth at the candy factory. We all wore hair nets but they wouldn't let us eat on the processing floor. It just isn't "Good Practice" or some crazy excuse.
I was going to send these to you in Las Vegas but decided that since you can buy this brand CHEAP in Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store it would cost too much to ship...or I could actually save them for you since they have a shelf life of 8 months! (Found that out today.) If you pick up the Marietta Brand, check the label and you'll see "Good 'ol Alamogordo"

The Flu

The icky flu....I've had it for over a week and just can't seem to kick it. I've had fever, chills, bodyaches, headache and now my nose is running and my ears are hurting.
I went to the doc and all I can do is ride this out.
So, that's it. That's all I've been up to. I'm sure looking forward to feeling well again!

New Tools. Sure did come in handy.

Nanny gave Mark this great set of tools for Christmas. He was SO glad he had them when he installed the peep hole in Kristin's apartment door. You won't believe this....FREAKY! (and that's putting it mildly)
Okay....Kristin is telling us about this young couple that came her door attempting to sell her magazines. She said they made her very uncomfortable and literally stepped around her and into her apartment, claiming that it was too cold to stand outside. She didn't like them inside and told them she was not interested in purchasing their magazines and would like them to leave. The girl told her that the least she could do was give them a donation. Kristin refused and although they were not happy, they finally left.
Kristin had no idea that I had just seen on the news that the couple fitting the same description, had just murdered an elderly woman in Albuquerque. They were also "selling magazines"! She won't be opening the door for strangers anymore. Period.

Height. I have a question...

The question I have is about Sedillo boys. At what age did you get "tall". The reason I ask is I'm wondering if Jeffery will grow to be much taller than he is now. When he was younger the doctor said based on some information and his growth chart, he would likely be more than six foot. Well a few days ago when he went to the doctor another doc said he would probably only grow about another two inches. So, I want to know, what do you think?

Madi & Jamison

Madi went flying with her Papa. This is one of the planes he flies.

Jamison is looking healthy and VERY handsome!

Happy New Year

Lily had a huge spread for New Years Day. When isn't a huge spread when Aunt Lil is involved? Yummy! Erica (Bobby's daughter) insisted that we take a group photo and I'm glad she did. This year for both Christmas and New Year's Day we got together with Aunts, Uncles and cousins we don't see as often as we would like. We had great food and played games for hours. James and Melinda and the boys had already left by the time we got around to taking the picture. It was really great to see Erica and her new baby, born on November 20 and Lil (very tall) Bobby and his family. Aunt Mary, Uncle Ben and Diane and her family too.....We decided we should at least have game night more often.